What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?
Counselling usually refers to short-term treatment for a particular problem, such as difficulties in a marriage. Psychotherapy usually refers to longer-term treatment for complex issues that are having a negative effect on a person’s life. There can be a lot of overlap between the two approaches, depending on the needs of the person.
The first counselling session
Your first session will help you to decide whether this counsellor is the right one for you. Questions to ask yourself include:
Do I feel comfortable?
Am I able to talk freely about deeply personal thoughts and emotions?
Is the counsellor paying attention to me?
Do I feel they understand and respect me?
Can I imagine seeing this person on a regular basis?
If you decide that the counsellor isn’t right for you, don’t go back. You are under no obligation to continue seeing a counsellor if you aren’t comfortable with them.
Number of counselling sessions
It is reasonable to ask the counsellor at the end of the first session for an estimate of how many sessions they think you will need. However, remember that this is only an estimate. Some problems can be successfully resolved in a few sessions. In other cases, talking about the particular problem with the counsellor may bring up deeper, unresolved issues that need further exploration.
Is counselling covered by Medicare?
Medicare does not provide rebates for all counsellors. You will need to ask the individual counsellor.
Individual counselling sessions are 60 mins long
Our rates are $140.00 per session
If you require an appointment after our office hours, the rate then goes to $180.00 per session
Concession card holders rates $70.00 per session
If you have obtained a mental health plan from your GP then rates will be adjusted accordingly to each person
All payments are required the day of the appointment
Cancellation Policy
If a cancellation is made within 24 hours prior to our appointment, it is unlikely that I will be able to fill your vacant time with another client. The following is an outline of our cancellation policy;
First cancelled/or no show appointment - no charge
​From there, subsequent appointments cancelled/or no show;
Within 24 hours - full fee
24 to 48 hours – 50% of fee
​48 hours to 4 business days notice - 25% of fee
​Any outstanding amount is required to be paid in full before the commencement of any future sessions.

Someone loses control of their use of alcohol or drugs
The substance use becomes harmful - for example, causing medical problems, injuries, inability to work or damage to relationships
Someone becomes dependent, meaning the user becomes tolerant of the effects of the substance, and experiences cravings or withdrawal symptoms when stopping.

Why see a counsellor?
Like servicing a car so it can run smoother, counselling helps to improve the ‘self’s’ ability to function, so life can run smoother.
Just like ignoring your car when it needs to be repaired, many ignore the signs that things are not working, by ignoring themselves.

Emergency Contact Numbers
Lifeline 13 11 14
Suicide call back service 1300 659 467
MensLine Australia 1300 659 467
Beyondblue 1300 22 4636
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
Emergency Services 000